David Cocks Q C Never Allowed or Allows His Son To Know Or See His Granparents,which terrible hurt his son,not only excluding him from hearth and home,not even a birthday card or visit but denied him access to his family,saying only his other children his step children all adults and is godchildren mattered or could have presents or even a card.

The child that did not matter

The mother he totally rejected because she would not abort his child and gave her not a penny for herself and would not help the child his son when as a baby he was on a life support machine.When Sir Derek Spencer his room mate and the solicitor general told him his son as a baby was struggling on a life support machine with every breath agony he said “I couldnt care less if he dies I will never see him he is nothing to me”
Sir Derek Spencer Hero,Good Father Man Of immense intergity,Defended The child of David Cocks Q C the failed father incapable of including or loving his son and said to sir Derek "I couldnt care less when his baby son was told by Sir Derek his son was on a life support machine and went off to hunt foxes at his huge country house with the children he loved and adored pretending to all that his youngest son was unimportant and fit to be abandoned even when his life was hanging on a thread

Hero Derek Spencer Q C
When Sir Derek Spencer Solicitor General told David Cocks Q C his son as a baby was struggling on a life support machine with every breath agony he said “I couldnt care less if he dies I will never see him he is nothing to me”

David Cocks Q C Who Hunted Foxes While His Baby Son Was On a Life Support Machine
David Cocks Q C Never Allowed or Allows His Son To Know Or See His Granparents,which terrible hurt his son,not only excluding him from hearth and home,not even a birthday card or visit but denied him access to his family,saying only his other children his step children all adults and is godchildren mattered or could have presents or even a card.

The child that did not matter

The mother he totally rejected because she would not abort his child and gave her not a penny for herself and would not help the child his son when as a baby he was on a life support machine.When Sir Derek Spencer his room mate and the solicitor general told him his son as a baby was struggling on a life support machine with every breath agony he said “I couldnt care less if he dies I will never see him he is nothing to me”
ReplyDeleteShocking of David Cocks Q C
ReplyDeletehero Derek not Cocks
ReplyDeleteOh so bad of David Cocks Q C
He likes mischieve he like glee
He likes to leave others in misery
First his pupil then his strife
Thats what he calls his fun in life
He loves hunting he loves fun
He likes to leave his pupil with a bun
And then he likes to run run run
The child is all that matters
ReplyDeleteSir Derek is marvellous and brave a truly moral human being to be able to stand agait such cruelty as exported by David Cocks QC to his child
ReplyDeleteDavid Cocks yearns it all his way
ReplyDeleteWhich means his child he did betray
When he was ordered and expired
All contact with the child he sired
With glee he conjured up such fun
To dredge through misery his son
He didnt realise what he missed
Unless he got himself quite pissed
He felt he world was in his bank
And didnt see his cruelty stank
And that the moral compass shifted
Even though his own had drifted
The world had changed and people saw
That cruelty was not in vogue any more
The golden harp that used to hide
The cries of children left outside
Now was just an open book
Where God and honest men would look
And see the very souls of men
And all their evil deeds wuold ken
So men of good and men of ill
Your deeds project your lineage till
The day of judgement comes at last
And all the power to hurt has treuly passed
It isnt good to hurt a child
The millstone on the soul is piled
And writing in the sand of life
Reavels all goodnes and all strife
sad dad
ReplyDeleteDerek Spencer IS a hero how many others apart from William Marshall the wonderful Jonathen Goldberg, Spencer Michael Warrington and Douglas Blair dared against David cocks determination to hurt and do away with the existence of his own child others walked on by not these and not Nicholas Wilson in history these names will ring in the annals of feminist history not like certain other like Henry Green and Peter cartyer who Sir derek heard Cocks call her "old fish face"after she the mother had by introduction to her pupil master acquired him a place in chambers from which any one from this elitist paradice could earn a dazzling career as even Linda Rose did without a law degree and Rosamund Horwood-Smart QC without a degree in law and others just rich rich rich while the mother with several degrees but refused to have an abortion was splattered from due regard
ReplyDeleteBrilliant hereo Derek Spencer shows up bully David Cocks
ReplyDeletePeople should read the court transcript. David Cocks fought for years for access rights to his Son but was repeatedly swerved by the bitter ex-mistress and mother of the child. Her anger at David Cocks denied the child a much better life. Shameful.
ReplyDeleteDerek Spencer is indeed a moral man to stand up against such evil enterprise as was cooked up by David Cocks Q C
ReplyDeleteDavid Cocks utterly refused to see his child the High Court Family Division said "David Cocks is a hard and determined man,the child has only one caring parent the mother."The court stated the father had "misused the jursidiction of the court in order to stop publicity and deny the child a proper education.When Sir Derek Spencer the Solicitor |General begged the father to see the child who was on a life support machine to see and help the poor young orphan mother to help the child he refused and said "I couldnt care less I will never see the child and no one can make me"This evidence was given by Sir Derek in the many cases to exclude his childs rights(eg denying paternity on oath,trying not to pay a penny pieca for his child,when £25 was granted reducing it to £16.24 pence a week,while he was one of the highest paid prosecutor in England, trying to reduce it and trying to stop his son going to Hill House where he was happy.He told court after court he didnt want to see the child he never ever made an access aplication though the mother begged him to see his son he doesnt even sent a christmas or birthday card.Ofcourse he goes roung trying to put the blame on every one else because of Sir Derek and other decent unspiteful unmalicious people with morality helping the child who the mother (the high court said "her wisdom as a mother is unassailable)brought up alone.Sir Derek Spencer knows the truth,Sir Nicholas Wilson and any one for 12 years the mother wished the father well and never asked for more despite all manner of cruelty and spite and nasty lies,all done to ruin her and even the child had ghastly letters sent it is interesting that misogynist who hate and mistrust women can still do this praise a man for deserting his child,treating his adult step children excemplary since birth and destroy the child he created and also the mother of his child wreck her life and career and then squell when he is discovered ofcourse the truth is there so if he wants he should have an open public debate not hide in Rackensford with his best friends wife who herself send pretty mingy letters to the boy and said things which should shame he naturally gives a good impression to those who want to believe thT ny man can get away with any cruelty to mother or child then if the child crys with pauin for the child its HER that is wrong the old old story of guilt causing hate and shame and self disgust but in the end the truth is the truth and if the father wants to take a lie detector fine great but he wont he even said the child wasnt his,a lie is only a lie to those fool enough to believe it the truth sceeks out and that why sneaky people try to flumick the truth.No one has ever stop people seeing his son where is he the father going round the world hiding in 200 acrecre which he told the court he had given his farm to his second wife,his best friends wife who he married,to stop his son getting anything in his will(this was in Southwark Court)all the court was shocked.So there no fool like a fool who is fooled by lies.Yes women fight for their children,not one penny has she had for her self,yes those who wish she was silenced with power and fear try to stab again and again intheir boring cosy sitting rooms but the truth is the truth and cruelty is cruelty and eternity is eternity so thats where justice lies and it lies there forever,the father know the truth how he has lied and lied again while trying to whitewash the smutt while trying to defy the judgements of the courts .He can see his son any day he likes but he has to stop the spite and approach his son with love and gentleness not behind the spiteful shield and demands of a vengeful person or persons trying to grab him to themselves and their of no blood link perhaps who knows he may not be man enough hes getting old and cold and bored and fidgetty is he less under the thumb is the thumb trying to speell the deal or wheel the deal whatever it matters little decades pass and frankly there has never been any indication he gives a F
ReplyDeleteAnd where were the granparents where were the Christmas and birthday cards and the hugs and the love and the kind words
ReplyDeleteSir Derek Spencer knows the truth he the Solicitor General David Cocks room mate for decades a witness to the cases and to the truth and a moral man and no fool the truth overcomes nonsense whoever speels and believes it be they swot or not
ReplyDeleteThe power of truth is that it stands for eternity no hug was given to the child or offered no Christmas card his farm was given away the fathers so the child would get nothing in the will when the child was on a life supoort machine the father shamefully said to Sir Derek who told him "I could care less I will never see him he is nothing to me" the truth is in everycourt case where the father was held to be denying paternity on oath where he fought not to give the child a penny where he was eventually ordered to pay £25 a week and only paid £16.24p and deducted the tax where he refused in case afeter case to see his child as even now he does where he wrote to say "There is no future " in acces to his son because the mother was for windfarms and he against where the wife wrote to the child saying his happy marriage came first where he lavished all on the step children and excluded him where his spite drove him again and again to hurt the mother as part of his revenge for refssuing to abort his child "Tp prove she loves me"(court transcript)and "for the sake of my career (Court transcript)
ReplyDeleteNice to know that he still refuses to see his son shamefull as it is then gets people who control him or he controls to lie about it what a twalop.He hasnt changed a bit he shouldnt have had an affair with his young orphan pupil then cast her out when she wont abord the child she saved from his evil design od abortion then lie to the court try to stop him being properly educated tell Sir Derek he would never see the child and goodnrss me now tries to make the noble rescuer of his evil devise on his innocent child look bad by telling utter nonesense to shameful fools who either believe any lie he speels(he still refuses to see his son or send a birthday card)or those who hope to financial gain or paid assistence or those who have been spolilt or perhaps those who are inebriated and cosey and know nothing of the truth .Sir Derek Spencer Solictor General Sir Nicholas Wilson Supreme Court Judge her barrister throughout the cruelty Justice Latey,Dame Helenna Kennedy Q C Lind Dobbs high Court Judge,Alan Bennet playwrite Robert graves poet Richard E Grant(himself misused as a child),Michal Warrington who witnessed it all,Bill Marshall Q C Attorney General of Hong Kong,Peter Rook Q C David Radcliffe Q C all know the truthhow appallingly the mother and child were treated and with utter cruelty but David Cocks still has to be the victim as he says with a little help from those who rule him"I will never see him and noone can make me and I couldnt care less"to Sir Derek.There is always a lie detector test which i am sure he wont take wth a reem of usual get outs shameful oh yes but he is also shameless
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ReplyDeleteDavid Cocks Q C practices ostracism against his son since prebirth and even said "I coudlnt care less and I will never see him and no one can make me"when Sir Derek Spencer the Solicitor General told him his litlle baby son was on a life support machine in agony fighting for his life with every beath.while he finished his champagne and went off to hunt foxes,he hugely rich the young orphan mother almost pennyless,eventually for 12 years he gave £16.24pence a week despite being the 6th riches prosecutor in England according to the House of Commons earnong hundred of thousands of pounds a year,she trown out of chambers because she refused an abortion at 3 months pregnant and he pretended it wasnt his child though telling Sir Derek Spencer Q C "I made my pupil pregnant.He then denied paternity on oath ans sir derek nobly and with great courage against the spite power wealth and might he a senior member of the Bar she an orphan and a pupil and alone in life living in one room with a broken window and no money.Ofcousres David Cocks Q C tried to destroy and silence the mother "I will wreck your life if I see you again."and now he tries to be the vicim never seeing his son never trying to never sending him a birthday card and forbidding him to see his granparents and his brother Dr Harry Cocks who he loved and spoilt and his middle aged step children .He refusses to take responsibility to the two women he left with children and acts like a victim as if his act of cruelty and neglect were not of his deliberate cruelty and making,whho in their right mind would exclude and ostracise their own child try to force the mother to abort exclude the child shun the mother insult her to her face and call her fish face to some one who she had introduced for pupillage plotted to ward his own child to stop him having a good education "misusing the jurisdition of the court"who called him "a hard and determined man and an uncaring father.
ReplyDeleteand then winges like a poor victim why carrying on the exclusion of his dearly begotten son.I ask you fairy land or what.
David Cocks Q C practices ostracism against his son since prebirth and even said "I coudlnt care less and I will never see him and no one can make me"when Sir Derek Spencer the Solicitor General told him his litlle baby son was on a life support machine in agony fighting for his life with every beath.while he finished his champagne and went off to hunt foxes,he hugely rich the young orphan mother almost pennyless,eventually for 12 years he gave £16.24pence a week despite being the 6th riches prosecutor in England according to the House of Commons earnong hundred of thousands of pounds a year,she trown out of chambers because she refused an abortion at 3 months pregnant and he pretended it wasnt his child though telling Sir Derek Spencer Q C "I made my pupil pregnant.He then denied paternity on oath ans sir derek nobly and with great courage against the spite power wealth and might he a senior member of the Bar she an orphan and a pupil and alone in life living in one room with a broken window and no money.Ofcousres David Cocks Q C tried to destroy and silence the mother "I will wreck your life if I see you again."and now he tries to be the vicim never seeing his son never trying to never sending him a birthday card and forbidding him to see his granparents and his brother Dr Harry Cocks who he loved and spoilt and his middle aged step children .He refusses to take responsibility to the two women he left with children and acts like a victim as if his act of cruelty and neglect were not of his deliberate cruelty and making,whho in their right mind would exclude and ostracise their own child try to force the mother to abort exclude the child shun the mother insult her to her face and call her fish face to some one who she had introduced for pupillage plotted to ward his own child to stop him having a good education "misusing the jurisdition of the court"who called him "a hard and determined man and an uncaring father.
ReplyDeleteAnd then whinges like a poor victim why carrying on the exclusion of his dearly begotten son.I ask you fairy land or what.
There have been many witnesses to evil trying to blames the victime of cruelty saying the victims caused their own sufferings sticking up for the men of evil who have ostracised and abandoned even on a life support machine their child but thats only because it pays their situation maybe the evil father is employing them paying for their life style their entrails so denial suits but that means the evil spreads not to the victim but to the fol who would hold the hand of evil to shake it this has happened many times in history but truth always emerges always comes through truth is for eternity shams are for the bottom of a bottle a fool mirage
ReplyDelete‘All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing’
Only a fool can be fooled the truth stands in the face of God and of man of all good men while those blinded by favour and foolishness and an ability for sly cruelty harm not anyone but their own foolish enterprises.You cant fool the world but you can fool the fool evil is evil whether denied or not when evil is done to you the foot print stamped on your soul is something resounding and even the fool cant be lost in smoke and mirages if a person thinks cruelty to an unborn child is defendable if ignoring a child your own child on a life support machine is aceptable well whose morality is to be trusted even a bumble bees can recognise a rose but a fool will believe a man drench in guilt when he declares it to be honesuckle when he fouls his sons future can claim a carees when the High Court calls him "an uncaring father a hard and determined man misusing the juridiction of the court with the availed view od damaging his childseducation well fairy land or cloud cookoo land may he buy you more anithetising drinks and even perhaps share his pillow with you youve sure earned it with your fantasty
cruelty is cruelty blindness to cruelty is creulty and evil si evil‘All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing’
‘All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing’
ReplyDelete‘All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing’
ReplyDelete‘All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing’
ReplyDeleteDavid Cocks Q C ditched his young orphan impoverished pupil when he got her pregnant tried to make her have an abortion refused to see his son or help him when Sir Derek Spencer told him the baby was on a life suport machine in agony fighting for life with every breath,"I couldnt care less I will never see him and noone can make me " tried to get him out of his good school Hill House refused to meet him never gave him a hug or a Christmas card refused to let him see his granparents and now tries to pretend its all a big mistake and that somewhere in fairy land an alternative make believe reality that he is spinning to his devotees oh pleas if it wasnt so ridiculous in the face of reality it would be sad that some one could be so decieve but perhaps he was buying them a drink or they shared a pillow or where supporting their life style or simply very gulable because the cruel truth stares in the face and the solictor general,and derek Spencer,Sir Nicholas Wilson Q C of the Supreme Court William Marshall Attorney General of Hong Kong cant all be wrong they were their they were in court not just on the pillow wake up ‘All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing’it could happen to you next
ReplyDeleteChildren come first David Cocks Q C has never ever put his son first his whims travells hunting trips his estate his cars his career oh yes his son he hasnt even hauuged embraced or kissed him and he simply scorns the mother who refused to obey his command to abort him.As Sir Derek said to the high court which was accepted "He was furious"thats why he tried to stop his son going to Hill House where the Queen sent her beloved son.The mother worked ay and night to give the son a good life away from the fury exclusion and spite of David Cocks and his elite and in return he truied to destroy her peace "If I see you again Ill wreck your life" he said when she was pregnant and "you havent got the guts to kill yourself"Heor no just someone who thinks he is always right and that he can use jis money and his power to win pointss against the mother of his child and his child ‘All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing’
with corrections
ReplyDeleteWhat crow would try to say David Cocks will see his son when he wont just another lie in a web of lies he wrote to Robin Cocks saying "Ther is no future" in seeing his son because his mother believed in wind farms and David Cocks(NOTa sensitive whimp)said he DIDNOT and was sensitive to that differenciation,NOT SENTITIVE TO THE FACT HE TOLD SIR DEREK Spencer Q C SOLICITOR GENERAL WHEN HIS SON WAS ON A LIFE SUPPORT MACHINE "I couldnt care less if he dies I will never see him and no one can make me."Not sensitive when he refused to see his son in a play,rather went to see his second wifes parents who had a cold,not sensitive when he told the mother "you dont have the guts to kill yourself" when she was pregnant,not sensitive when HE tried to make HER abort his child for the sake of his first marriage,not sensitive when Robert Woods his best friend had a breakdown and was hospitalised when he ran off with his wife,not sensitive when his first wifes solicitor said she had never known a harder man in the the first wifes divorce case where he was charged with adultery, not sensitive when he never saw his son despite Derek Spencer QC, Nicholas Wilson QC Bill Masrshall,Q C AG of Hong Kong begged him to oh no just sensitive to his own fragile feelings,not sensitive when he gave his second wife his farm to stop his son getting anything in his will but kept his farm business to off set money earned from windfarms
Shameful oh yes who indeed is shameful and found so by all the courts including the High Court Family divsion where they called him "a hard and determined man.an uncaring father" " a father who didnt even know the date of his sons birthday" and refused and still refuses to see his son but hadnt refused to run off with his first wife's best friend causing his first wife agony. agony,bitterness and anger and spite and fury have caused all these deviant cruelties for how else could a man be so inhuman to the human rights of his child and instead of standing up to the thumb he's under the evil that posses his soul, rights his wrongs embraces his son
The universe knows the truth,no matter how bareface , contumelious, scurrilous and destructive the abuse is to that mother who raised his child alone and how cruel and abusive the exclusion to hearth and home to his son, if he wanted to hug his son send him a birthday or any day card to his son or hug him he could but he just fences words to aviod and to hide the truth of his cruety and exclusion because all he cares about is how he looks it would seem.The universe awaits but can David Cocks understand the concept of kindness and humanity to his son.
Only God knows and I doubt He has many high expectations
with corrections
ReplyDeleteWhat crow would try to say David Cocks will see his son when he wont just another lie in a web of lies he wrote to Robin Cocks saying "Ther is no future" in seeing his son because his mother believed in wind farms and David Cocks(NOTa sensitive whimp)said he DIDNOT and was sensitive to that differenciation,NOT SENTITIVE TO THE FACT HE TOLD SIR DEREK Spencer Q C SOLICITOR GENERAL WHEN HIS SON WAS ON A LIFE SUPPORT MACHINE "I couldnt care less if he dies I will never see him and no one can make me."Not sensitive when he refused to see his son in a play,rather went to see his second wifes parents who had a cold,not sensitive when he told the mother "you dont have the guts to kill yourself" when she was pregnant,not sensitive when HE tried to make HER abort his child for the sake of his first marriage,not sensitive when Robert Woods his best friend had a breakdown and was hospitalised when he ran off with his wife,not sensitive when his first wifes solicitor said she had never known a harder man in the the first wifes divorce case where he was charged with adultery, not sensitive when he never saw his son despite Derek Spencer QC, Nicholas Wilson QC Bill Masrshall,Q C AG of Hong Kong begged him to oh no just sensitive to his own fragile feelings,not sensitive when he gave his second wife his farm to stop his son getting anything in his will but kept his farm business to off set money earned from windfarms
Shameful oh yes who indeed is shameful and found so by all the courts including the High Court Family divsion where they called him "a hard and determined man.an uncaring father" " a father who didnt even know the date of his sons birthday" and refused and still refuses to see his son but hadnt refused to run off with his first wife's best friend causing his first wife agony. agony,bitterness and anger and spite and fury have caused all these deviant cruelties for how else could a man be so inhuman to the human rights of his child and instead of standing up to the thumb he's under the evil that posses his soul, rights his wrongs embraces his son
The universe knows the truth,no matter how bareface , contumelious, scurrilous and destructive the abuse is to that mother who raised his child alone and how cruel and abusive the exclusion to hearth and home to his son, if he wanted to hug his son send him a birthday or any day card to his son or hug him he could but he just fences words to aviod and to hide the truth of his cruety and exclusion because all he cares about is how he looks it would seem.The universe awaits but can David Cocks understand the concept of kindness and humanity to his son.
Only God knows and I doubt He has many high expectations
David Cocks Q C Javert !
ReplyDeleteShameful of David Cocks Q C and then pretending he fought to see his child he fought to avoid it what he fought for was to exclude his son from a decent home a quiet child hood inclusion in his father hearth and home,he derided him with exclusion impoverised him with no money for the first year of his life then a miserly £16.24pence a week,refused to see him,telling the court he'd think about it saying he didnt want access,marrying his best friends wife and spoiling them and loving them to bits this afterhaving refused to help and see his son when as a baby he was on a life sport machine struggling with every breath and now he pretends that he wanted access while secretly writing to Robin Cocks "there is no future in seeing"his son.He doesnt even send his son a card on his birthday while giving the groom who looks after his horse a gold broach bar to wear,he fought hook line and sinker to diminish and humiliate the mother of his child his young orphan pupil because she refused to abort his child who is shameful who is a disgrace to humanhood a disgrace to father hood one of the richest cruellest fathers who has never hugged his child kissed him ,but excluded and humiliates him,even denying paternity on oath,accusing her of having given life to his child against his wishes when he wanted him killed before birth,and then givining all his paternal love and attention to hi middleaged step children who he had nutured with afftion since their birth .Has this man no shame no manhood and he decries the mother for not be totally suppressed by his devious bullying he doesnt care tupence about his son just himself his glorious self and those who will support his ego by telling him like a baby its not his fault.He doesnt see his son becuase he endorse the evil that allows some men or low paternal morality to cruely reject their sons.Jarvert!
David Cocks Q C Javert !
ReplyDeleteShameful of David Cocks Q C and then pretending he fought to see his child he fought to avoid it what he fought for was to exclude his son from a decent home a quiet child hood inclusion in his father hearth and home,he derided him with exclusion impoverised him with no money for the first year of his life then a miserly £16.24pence a week,refused to see him,telling the court he'd think about it saying he didnt want access,marrying his best friends wife and spoiling them and loving them to bits this afterhaving refused to help and see his son when as a baby he was on a life sport machine struggling with every breath and now he pretends that he wanted access while secretly writing to Robin Cocks "there is no future in seeing"his son.He doesnt even send his son a card on his birthday while giving the groom who looks after his horse a gold broach bar to wear,he fought hook line and sinker to diminish and humiliate the mother of his child his young orphan pupil because she refused to abort his child who is shameful who is a disgrace to humanhood a disgrace to father hood one of the richest cruellest fathers who has never hugged his child kissed him ,but excluded and humiliates him,even denying paternity on oath,accusing her of having given life to his child against his wishes when he wanted him killed before birth,and then givining all his paternal love and attention to hi middleaged step children who he had nutured with afftion since their birth .Has this man no shame no manhood and he decries the mother for not be totally suppressed by his devious bullying he doesnt care tupence about his son just himself his glorious self and those who will support his ego by telling him like a baby its not his fault.He doesnt see his son becuase he endorse the evil that allows some men or low paternal morality to cruely reject their sons.Jarvert!
David Cocks Q C Javert !
ReplyDeleteShameful of David Cocks Q C and then pretending he fought to see his child he fought to avoid it what he fought for was to exclude his son from a decent home a quiet child hood inclusion in his father hearth and home,he derided him with exclusion impoverised him with no money for the first year of his life then a miserly £16.24pence a week,refused to see him,telling the court he'd think about it saying he didnt want access,marrying his best friends wife and spoiling them and loving them to bits this afterhaving refused to help and see his son when as a baby he was on a life sport machine struggling with every breath and now he pretends that he wanted access while secretly writing to Robin Cocks "there is no future in seeing"his son.He doesnt even send his son a card on his birthday while giving the groom who looks after his horse a gold broach bar to wear,he fought hook line and sinker to diminish and humiliate the mother of his child his young orphan pupil because she refused to abort his child who is shameful who is a disgrace to humanhood a disgrace to father hood one of the richest cruellest fathers who has never hugged his child kissed him ,but excluded and humiliates him,even denying paternity on oath,accusing her of having given life to his child against his wishes when he wanted him killed before birth,and then givining all his paternal love and attention to hi middleaged step children who he had nutured with afftion since their birth .Has this man no shame no manhood and he decries the mother for not be totally suppressed by his devious bullying he doesnt care tupence about his son just himself his glorious self and those who will support his ego by telling him like a baby its not his fault.He doesnt see his son becuase he endorse the evil that allows some men or low paternal morality to cruely reject their sons.Jarvert!
At least Jarvert didnt lie and in the end had shame Javert peddled cruelt but not to his own son and in the end had repentance and redemption he never lied about his culpability cruel though he was and never despitefully persued with cruelty and rejection his own son
David Cocks Q C Javert !
ReplyDeleteShameful of David Cocks Q C and then pretending he fought to see his child he fought to avoid it what he fought for was to exclude his son from a decent home a quiet child hood inclusion in his father hearth and home,he derided him with exclusion impoverised him with no money for the first year of his life then a miserly £16.24pence a week,refused to see him,telling the court he'd think about it saying he didnt want access,marrying his best friends wife and spoiling them and loving them to bits this afterhaving refused to help and see his son when as a baby he was on a life sport machine struggling with every breath and now he pretends that he wanted access while secretly writing to Robin Cocks "there is no future in seeing"his son.He doesnt even send his son a card on his birthday while giving the groom who looks after his horse a gold broach bar to wear,he fought hook line and sinker to diminish and humiliate the mother of his child his young orphan pupil because she refused to abort his child who is shameful who is a disgrace to humanhood a disgrace to father hood one of the richest cruellest fathers who has never hugged his child kissed him ,but excluded and humiliates him,even denying paternity on oath,accusing her of having given life to his child against his wishes when he wanted him killed before birth,and then givining all his paternal love and attention to hi middleaged step children who he had nutured with afftion since their birth .Has this man no shame no manhood and he decries the mother for not be totally suppressed by his devious bullying he doesnt care tupence about his son just himself his glorious self and those who will support his ego by telling him like a baby its not his fault.He doesnt see his son becuase he endorse the evil that allows some men or low paternal morality to cruely reject their sons.Jarvert!
David Cocks Q C Javert !
ReplyDeleteShameful of David Cocks Q C and then pretending he fought to see his child he fought to avoid it what he fought for was to exclude his son from a decent home a quiet child hood inclusion in his father hearth and home,he derided him with exclusion impoverised him with no money for the first year of his life then a miserly £16.24pence a week,refused to see him,telling the court he'd think about it saying he didnt want access,marrying his best friends wife and spoiling them and loving them to bits this afterhaving refused to help and see his son when as a baby he was on a life sport machine struggling with every breath and now he pretends that he wanted access while secretly writing to Robin Cocks "there is no future in seeing"his son.He doesnt even send his son a card on his birthday while giving the groom who looks after his horse a gold broach bar to wear,he fought hook line and sinker to diminish and humiliate the mother of his child his young orphan pupil because she refused to abort his child who is shameful who is a disgrace to humanhood a disgrace to father hood one of the richest cruellest fathers who has never hugged his child kissed him ,but excluded and humiliates him,even denying paternity on oath,accusing her of having given life to his child against his wishes when he wanted him killed before birth,and then givining all his paternal love and attention to hi middleaged step children who he had nutured with afftion since their birth .Has this man no shame no manhood and he decries the mother for not be totally suppressed by his devious bullying he doesnt care tupence about his son just himself his glorious self and those who will support his ego by telling him like a baby its not his fault.He doesnt see his son becuase he endorse the evil that allows some men or low paternal morality to cruely reject their sons.Jarvert!
Jonathan Goldberg is a better more humane father and human being in my opinion than someone who abuses a pupil when he is in a postion of trust in relation to her by making her pregnant, abandoning her and her career (which she fought so hard to attain) and deserting the child when born and denying paternity on oath (the court found him guilty "without a doubt"and the mother to be utterly truthful,Sir Derek gave evidence) his own baby child then denies paternity on oath despite telling Sir Derek "!'ve made my pupil pregnant," well he is always showing his own true colour with consistency,kind to those who suck up to him irresponsible to his yopungest child marvelously assiduously careful towards his own comforts, rattling on about his fan club and how he's adores but cruel as hunger menacing to his own son who he left in agony as a baby on a lifesupport machine while he went hunting telling the appalled Sir Derek Spencer Solicitor General "I couldnt care less if he dies he is nothing to me "as he drank his champagne and went off to his country estate to go for a week end of pleasure and hunting innocent animals who had never hurt him for yet another bloodlust sport,hurting his own son greviously and the young mother his young orphaned pupil who he breached his proffessional duty of care to, by making her pregnant,simply didnt satisfy the blood lust enough so lets hound the innocent little animals as well.David Cocks Q C is an utterly appalling father with not an ounce or a semblance of remorse of feeling for anyoneone or anything but his own feelings desires interests and capacities.WHY THE CRUELTY WHY THE RAGE WHY ABANDON HIS OWN CHILD TO THE CRUELTIES OF LIFE AND MOCK IN THE FACE OF GOD MORALITY AND HUMANITY urged on by those who would define him in terms of their own interests.
ReplyDeletePoor child to have David Cocks QC as a father as he is so cruel heartless and relentlessly ruthless and unfeeling to his child from birth,to one child the youngest but treats his other children middle aged and step children middle aged like gold dust from birth giving them all love presents attention company hugs and kisses time energy huge houses and huge gardens(198 acrea estate in town and large houses in London worth millions trips and training in Australia,work contacts,going to their schools and colleges for ceremonies and sports days letting them see their granparents (even though the step children had their own )while he son was denied all these,no garden ,no Christmas cards or presents never allowed to see his grandparents since birth,this man earned £800,000 a year (House of Commons report says £500,000 in prosecution alone) and for almost 12 years paid his son £16 a week .
Wher is the morality where is the humanity.
Only an evil man and an evilfather would say "I will never see him and I couldnt care less" to Sir Derek when his baby son who was in agony for every breath and who he had ruthlessly denied and abandoned from birth,was on a life support machine
where indeed the morality where indeed the humanity
the power is there the supression of good is there the determination to deflect from the political and attack the mother and child because they are more susceptible to being silenced than the morality to the science,a millionaire can crush a young woman his pupil in love with him caring and caring for his chld the politics the morality cannot it sees injustice and cruelty for what it is
David Cocks Q C versus the goodness of Sir Derek Spencer,Jonathen Goldberg and Sir Nicholas Wilson and William Marshall Q C David Cocks Q C versus the goodness of Sir Derek Spencer,Jonathen Goldberg and Sir Nicholas Wilson and William Marshall Q C I know who I choose and I know I believe who God on the Judgement Day will choose when all secrets are revealed
ReplyDeleteDavid Cocks Q C is planning his highlife xmas without one thought for the child he abandoned
ReplyDeleteHow utterly awful of him to suppress the rights and happiness of his own son,not to mention the callous destruction of his childhood .Its an utter disgrace and to think he was a Rugby boy the father .He has let us all down with his selfish pranks.
ReplyDeleteIndeed David Cocks Q C failed Father:”If parenting sees us at our most loving,civilised and altruistic,then to fail at it is to have slipped off the bottom of the rung ofthe species”
Surely David Cocks Q C understands the immorality of his actions surely Sarah Child could explain that the way to treat humanly a child is by the example she makes him treat her two children his older step children she is a good mother to Flora and would never allow her son and daughter to be excluded and down graded and must shudder at how David Cocks treats his own child compared with his order step children but has not the courage to demand equality,and why should she she was compensated by being given the farm which he had claimed on tax relief and presumable her genetic children will inherit while his son will be excluded .What courage and kindness will be to his son in that.To destroy his sons inheritance by what he David Cocks considers the weapon of superior force of ruthless cruelty and exclusion and oposional force and suppression rather than upright morality.God allows evil to come because mankind espoused it and lets men and fathers begin to feel the burden of their own cruelty and imperfections when they betray ideals of person and democratic and religious freedom while other are too cowardly to do anything to enlighten ,ideals cannot be betrayed with impunity if a person losses all sense of decency and responsibility.Sarah Child is decent and responsible to her two children and makes David Cocks act accordingly to these adult children she rightly loves but how can she by example make him act this way to his own blood child why does he love and support his step middle aged children all their life even when they were in the marriage of his best friend Robert Wood and Sarah Child before he left Patricia to marry Sarah but never loved his own younger son .No one thinks David Cocks should not love his best friends wife if that is the happiness of his life but why use it as an instrument of cruelty to damage the son of his innocent child,why insist on his exclusion from life (he demanded his pupil abort the child to prove her love for him and told her he would wreck her life and career and never speak to her again if she did not)he told Sir Derek when the baby was on i life support machine as Sir Derek Spencer Solicitor General told the High Court he said "I couldn't care less if he dies he is nothing to me I will never see him and no one can make me"as he drank champagne and went off to his estate to hunt and kill foxes on his expensive horse
ReplyDeleteCruelty thy names is David Cocks Q C
ReplyDeleteI saw this
"During her pregnancy he tried to make Felicity, who has never married and is 14 years his junior, have an abortion.
Says a former Bar colleague of Cocks, who last year earned around £800,000: "He began his affair with Felicity when she was very young and impressionable and he was then married to his first wife.
He later divorced her and married his wife's great friend, Sarah. However, he is semi-retired now, so theoretically he has plenty of time for filial visits. "
And this
"David Cocks Q C and His Forgotten Son : David Cocks' impenetrable and cruel heart of a father to his youngest child "
I saw this
ReplyDeleteJonathan Goldberg is a better more humane father and human being in my opinion than someone who abuses a pupil when he is in a position of trust in relation to her by making her pregnant, abandoning her and her career (which she fought so hard to attain) and deserting the child when born and denying paternity on oath (the court found him guilty "without a doubt"and the mother to be utterly truthful, Sir Derek gave evidence) his own baby child then denies paternity on oath despite telling Sir Derek "!'ve made my pupil pregnant," well he is always showing his own true colour with consistency, kind to those who suck up to him irresponsible to his youngest child marvellously assiduously careful towards his own comforts, rattling on about his fan club and how he's adores but cruel as hunger menacing to his own son who he left in agony as a baby on a life-support machine while he went hunting telling the appalled Sir Derek Spencer Solicitor General "I couldn't care less if he dies he is nothing to me "as he drank his champagne and went off to his country estate to go for a week end of pleasure and hunting innocent animals who had never hurt him for yet another bloodlust sport, hurting his own son grievously and the young mother his young orphaned pupil who he breached his professional duty of care to, by making her pregnant, simply didn't satisfy the blood lust enough so lets hound the innocent little animals as well. David Cocks Q C is an utterly appalling father with not an ounce or a semblance of remorse of feeling for anyone one or anything but his own feelings desires interests and capacities. WHY THE CRUELTY WHY THE RAGE WHY ABANDON HIS OWN CHILD TO THE CRUELTIES OF LIFE AND MOCK IN THE FACE OF GOD MORALITY AND HUMANITY urged on by those who would define him in terms of their own interests.
Poor child to have David Cocks QC as a father as he is so cruel heartless and relentlessly ruthless and unfeeling to his child from birth, to one child the youngest but treats his other children middle aged and step children middle aged like gold dust from birth giving them all love presents attention company hugs and kisses time energy huge houses and huge gardens(198 acres estate in town and large houses in London worth millions trips and training in Australia, work contacts, going to their schools and colleges for ceremonies and sports days letting them see their grandparents (even though the step children had their own )while he son was denied all these, no garden ,no Christmas cards or presents never allowed to see his grandparents since birth, this man earned £800,000 a year (House of Commons report says £500,000 in prosecution alone) and for almost 12 years paid his son £16 a week .
Where is the morality where is the humanity.
Only an evil man and an evil father would say "I will never see him and I couldn't care less" to Sir Derek when his baby son who was in agony for every breath and who he had ruthlessly denied and abandoned from birth, was on a life support machine
where indeed the morality where indeed the humanity
the power is there the suppression of good is there the determination to deflect from the political and attack the mother and child because they are more susceptible to being silenced than the morality to the science, a millionaire can crush a young woman his pupil in love with him caring and caring for his child the politics the morality cannot it sees injustice and cruelty for what it is
David Cocks Q C versus the goodness of Sir Derek Spencer, Jonathan Goldberg and Sir Nicholas Wilson and William Marshall Q C I know who I choose and I know I believe who God on the Judgement Day will choose when all secrets are revealed
I saw this
ReplyDelete"David Cocks Q C's Smear Campaign Against The Mother of his Child Since he made his pupil pregnant when he was in a position of trust excluding and rejecting his child since birth
David Cocks Q C Human Rights Barrister Red Lion Court Told Sir Derek Spencer Q C "I couldn't care less if he dies "when his baby son was on a life support machine, he refuses to see him and seems to love shunning criticising and encouraging others to shun and sneer even calling his mother his young pupil who he demanded have an abortion "Old Fish Face "to Peter Carter Q C who she had done the favour of recommending for a pupillage and was a UCL fellow student.
"I'm so busy I'm so fine
I so like hunting I so like wine
I like to lay a bet or two
Ensuring that I get what's due
Ensuring none can outsmart me
I simply laugh and shout with glee
While causing grief to those I spurn
A son a child ..will they not learn
All I love is me me me
I drink of wine a cup of tea
A pillowmate for my great bed
While saying to Derek get my son out of my head
Id rather think of me instead
So if he's on a life machine
I could not really give a bean
IM the finest thing you ever seen
My morals are so clean clean clean
And hence you see my fine smoke screen
I am so splendid and so grand
I'm best to take the firmest stand
To love my step kids one and two
But my own child "OH no not you
You can not come into my home
I prefer you perish on your own
I'm much too posh and much to nice
So just skid addle that's my advice
Let me not see you shinning glory
It might effect my lies and story
For I told all I've been so nice
And my paternity just has no vice
My mother said I am the best
So fine and noble and the rest
But how can I believe that tale
And cloud the issue with a veil
When you stand there before me now
Looking so great and well just how
Your noble mother proved me wrong
And raised you with a powerful song
And despite my cunning was so strong
To let you live to let you thrive
And overall let you survive
For I do truly know at heart
That she was right right from the start,
And had the courage to out due
When I the father was but a shrew
And thinking only of myself
While she was left upon the shelf
Alone to struggle with your birth
While I just sneered at her with mirth.
She saw what was so truly right
And put up quite a splendid fight
And now I'm here with what I muster
Feeling a bit like General Custard
I'm grand I'm fine but I can see
That as a parent she dazzles me
What a silly twit I've been
Being so nasty being so mean
Pretending all I do is right
And leaving morality out of sight
So if one day I really see
Just what I have done to thee
My noble son my noble boy
I wont use Dante Hell or ploy
To denigrate you any more
For immorality is such a bore
And one day if there is a God
Ill have to face great justice rod"
David Cocks Q C Human Rights Lawyer Humanity To Own Son David Cocks Q C failed Father Refused to Help Him when Sir Derek Spencer told his baby was suffering agony with every breath on a life support machine He Excluded his son from his house hearth and home since birth in the cruellest manner simply on his desire not to be blamed If parenting sees us at our most loving, civilised and altruistic, then to fail at it is to have slipped off the bottom of the rung of the species
I saw this
ReplyDeleteIts amazing that David Cocks Q C can treat his elder son and his step daughter with love and humanity with all the best empathic consideration free access humanity and his son he treats with cruelty and exclusion, segregation like a curd with and dishonour and arrogance
Bad father good step father is this fair or just segregation and favouritism
I saw this
David Cocks Q C The Tale of Justice Cold Heart David Cocks Q C Cruel Father of Rackenford Who Nurtures His Step Family But Sought to have his own son aborted and told Sir Derek Spencer when the baby was on a life support machine "I couldn't care less if he dies he is nothing to me I will never see him "and went on drinking his champagne as he prepared to go to his country estate to hunt foxes on one of his horse
I saw this
"The bitter case involving multi-millionaire Old Bailey judge David Cocks and the pupil barrister he made pregnant and then refused to marry has taken an unseasonal turn. Instead of the good cheer which should have followed after Cocks finally gave unmarried mother a £100,000 out-of-court payment - having denied paternity of their son for more than 30 years - the pair are still at war.
Part of the settlement, which was agreed in October, was that Cocks, the former chairman of the Criminal Bar Association who lives on a 173-acre estate in Rackenford, Devon, with his second wife Sarah, would at last meet David and develop a relationship.
That was the only reason I reluctantly accepted the £100,000," says Felicity, who spent years trying to extract maintenance payments for the boy before receiving a Scrooge-like £16.24p a week.
We signed a written agreement about him meeting our son, but he hasn't sent a Christmas card - let alone given any indication that he will see him as a father should.
I have already informally consulted a QC about getting the agreement we had enforced. I consider it more important than the money.
If necessary, I will take further legal action if it is possible to do so."
For years, Rugby-educated Cocks, 72, known at the Bar as the Prince of Darkness because of his shock of black hair, fought against paying maintenance for David, whose godfather was the late poet Robert Graves. Cocks has not laid eyes on his son, now a grown man, for 15 years.
During her pregnancy he tried to make Felicity, who has never married and is 14 years his junior, have an abortion.
Says a former Bar colleague of Cocks, who last year earned around £800,000: "He began his affair with Felicity when she was very young and impressionable and he was then married to his first wife.
He later divorced her and married his wife's great friend, Sarah. However, he is semi-retired now, so theoretically he has plenty of time for filial visits. "
Cruel indeed