When Sir Derek Spencer Solicitor General told David Cocks Q C his son as a baby was struggling on a life support machine with every breath agony he said “I couldnt care less if he dies I will never see him he is nothing to me”

Hero Sir Derek Spencer the bravest of all barristers and men who dared to stand up to the bullying of power used against a mother and child Michel Moore’s answer to David Cocks QC “What sort of man to think I am?” He got rich while his young orphaned pupil who he had made pregnant then denied paternity on oath (he was found guilty and had already confessed to the Solicitor General Sir Derek Spencer “I have made my pupil pregnant”) minded his child. He had sought to force her to have an abortion for the sake of his career. He said in the affiliation court “she did not love me or she would have an abortion to help my career.” When she refused the abortion he said “you wrecked my life if I see you again I’ll wrecked yours.” he blacklisted her career telling William Marshall QC later Attorney General of Hong Kong ,through his senior clerk, that if he represented her in the Affiliation Court he William Marshall, QC, would have to leave chambers. Only so Derek Spencer QC had the courage and the prestige to outwardly help the mother and child. He and Bill Marshall gave the pregnant mother enough money to take a holiday with the poet Robert Graves, who have known her since childhood, to take a holiday in Majorca because she was so ill and stressed. David Cocks QC refuses be one word to her but promised that if she didn’t take any money from him he would greet her if they accidentally met in a professional capacity as barristers. Her only request was that if he met his son when he was older he would not shun him. David Cocks QC stated “What sort of man to think I am” After he was found guilty in the Affiliation Court, after a prolonged hearing of nearly a year beginning of which there was a positive blood tests against David Cocks QC was produced on the insistence of the mother. Sir Derek Spencer Q C Solicitor General had insisted that my mother went to prove that David Cocks QC, her pupil master, was the father. Sir Derek Spencer had given evidence that David Cocks had gone to Sir Derek’s house and stated “I have made my pupil pregnant.” he also gave evidence that later David Cocks QC said he was going to get her followed by a private detective. This was terrifying for the mother who was not unaware of a shadowy presence and had nowhere to go because she had no family support being and, from and living in one tiny room without heating sharing kitchen and bathroom with 20 other people. David Cocks QC needless to say was one of the richest lawyers in England and had a huge supportive family and friends and influential members of the bar ready to blacklist excluded and terrify by their exclusion the young orphaned mother who had no money and had to work throughout the pregnancy, she was eight months pregnant. In those days junior barristers had very little money because they could not insist on their fees. this line of exclusion and attack through friends and the barrage of summonses demanding for instance that the child be not allowed to go to her choice of school, that he should not be allowed to travel to a school in a taxi cab when he had to be a schoolboy 8 a.m. and it was an hour and a half from his house on average by public transport at a time when coming home on the lonely unlit street was dangerous. Meanwhile he was getting his pupil Linda Dobbs (later the first black High Court judge and an amazing good woman who refused to turn on the mother and child) to give him a lift in her car to Southwark Crown Court, and one day even had the cheek to ring her up and asked her why she was late to pick him up because he would not use public transport. One day when the mother who had not been spoken to many years was standing in the Middle Temple Court trying to get a taxi in the pouring rain for the young boy and his godmother Jessica Wilson, the 70-year-old woman, he turned to Linda Dobbs in their room in chambers in Middle Temple, the same chambers that his pupil, the mother of his child, had being his pupil in, and some hundred yards from her current chambers at the time, while she was sheltering from the rain looking for a taxi a good hundred yards away, he turned to Linda Dobbs and said asked her to observe the mother in the rain and to give evidence if the occasion should ever opportunely arise that “ she was looking up at the window to catch a glimpse of him.” Linda Dobbs was horrified at twisting and of course would not agree but saw as Sir Derek Spencer, as William Marshall QC, as Jonathan Goldberg QC, as David Cocks father, David Radcliffe QC Nicholas Wilson QC (later head of the Royal Court of Justice Family Division and many others. David Cocks QC did not have the courage to embrace his son he was worried that people would know he had had an affair with his own pupil so turned on her with what the Daily Mail called “a viciousness which was hard to imagine.” but she used to encourage she endured all. Having endured the childhood with little love because of her mother’s death when she was six she was committed to ensuring their son should not be damaged by his hatred his fury that his child had not been aborted the sake of his career He has never given one penny for those years of work which the mother did bringing up his son. He has never paid for the damage that he has caused to the mother’s life and career by his rejection of his son and her being forced to endure that rejection and to all the physical endurance of parents that should be shared. Personally made rich in a new and brazen way not questions asked Denying paternity on oath and diminished her name. He brought case against her and his son. Make no mistake His acts were not random. She had to fight with everything she had to prevent her son falling into the jeopardy which he is apparent malice or perhaps psychological disturbance. He called the shots when the dust fell. He insisted that the mother to do all the work and that he must be permitted to exclude and shunned his son. he left his first wife Patricia Cocks and his three children by her and married his best friend’s wife, and his wife’s best friend. Patricia Cocks had two questions for the mother of his child, had the affair been ongoing when he had invited her to stay for the weekend at the family estate. Indeed it had but until she reached the estate he had not bothered to tell her that he was married with three children. during the divorce for adultery which Patricia Cocks of a further affair which are husband at had while his mistress was pregnant and he was living with his wife Patricia Cocks, the latter’s solicitor stated she had never in her professional life had to ensure a respondent was nastier than the current respondent David Cocks QC. He certainly use the full weight of its money will or friends in power against the poor orphaned mother of his child. He bragged to her that he got a thrill for the actual kill in foxhunting and when he had an affair with John marriage QC ’s wife he has enjoyed their last sexual interaction when he was holding the horses and he knew that that very day he would have the thrill of telling how the affair was over. He told the mother of his child that he loved giving pain psychologically because it gave them a feeling of power if someone had got too close to him. He once asked her what was the worst thing in the world she can imagine. She replied that because she’d lost her parents she was afraid that someone she loved would exclude her. He told her when he dropped her that because she was stupid enough to reveal the same he was going to enjoy torturing her and his son with this form of abuse the abuse of exclusion. He rubbed his hands when he said this. When the child was on a life-support machine .when Sir Derek Spencer, Solicitor General, told the father that his son was struggling for breath in agony on a life-support machine David Cocks QC replied “I couldn’t care less if he died he is nothing to do with me I will never see.” David Cocks QC finishes champagne and then went to his country estate to hunt foxes. He told Bill Marshall and Derek Spencer QC that he would not have a trust fund for his son. In the end when the court demanded he paid £25 a week he deducted tax and paid £16 .24 a week for well over a decade he was found in answer to question by Andrew Drismore MP to be the six richest prosecuting barrister in England earning for prosecution cases alone nearly £500000 pounds a year that’s not including defence work, private work with properly putting the original £800,000. He didn’t help the mother of his child and used the Politics of fear. The case he brought and lost in the Family Division the Royal Courts of Justice he was found to have brought the case for the purposes of intimidation the mother of his child .He said in Southwark Court, saying the child should have nothing in his will and for this reason he had given his farm to his second wife in order to prevent their being “any scurrilous applications” on behalf of his youngest child. He of course kept the farm business in order that he could offset against its income tax. He allowed his stepchildren step grandchildren who he allowed to live in the next village and his three children from his first wife to visit the farm whenever they liked. He totally excluded his son from access to him and told his second wife to write and say that he was busy with his “happy marriage” which made it imperative for her to be supported in and time-consuming marriage which excluded the important responsibility to his own youngest child and he had so psychologically, according to several judges including High Court judges, been called by him. Evidence of this was produced not only by medical evidence of several reports but also by professors and by the Solicitor General of England. He still refuses to see his son despite promising the court he would his excuse been which he revealed to third parties, that the mother had supported the Greenpeace environmental ecological position of wind farms and that she had produced a document on this for a hearing. He called this excellent piece of work a “screed” to third parties including to the Keeper of Palaeontology at the Natural History Museum which could be viewed as a slanderous interpretation of her serious environmental work. She has obtained a Masters degree in Ecology and Development into as the School of Oriental and African studies as well as a Masters degree in Human Rights. she maintains that in trying to force her to have an abortion he morally had tried to deny her son the right to live which is now entrenched in the Court of Human Rights. It was only her resistance to his determination to deprive the son of his life which has enabled him to acquire the honour of life, liberty, education, happiness the ability to hear music and to watch the sunrise, the sea splash against the shore to hear the music of Mozart and Beethoven and the poetry of Shakespeare and Goethe. For this he hates her for this he condemns her for this he despitefully uses her. He became rich while his mother got poor. She will have £56 a week for her pension because she could not afford to pay her stamps he was declared to be the sixth richest prosecuting lawyer in England. He gives in, one minute of his time to see his child she has a Derek Spencer and the head of the Royal Courts of Justice family division stated “puts her son first second and third and herself along way last.” He treated his son and the mother of his child like chattel. He placed a child his child within in her. While he got fatter and richer on public funds, being the six reaches prosecuting barrister in England, she will not even have a living pension and he has given her not 01p for her labour though he was forced to pay after great fighting £16 . 24p to his son maintenance which he declared was generous. This is more than about money but a stand up for justice. To stand-up for the most basic things like a living pension, freedom from unfair exclusion and blacklisting at work ,here as a barrister when the father has all the political clout and the professional clout, the right to decent home he has a decent home, the right to a good education and security. Implication to move to new goals of security and happiness for all peopled Aright to a decent job a liable wages a right to an adequate pension. A right to an adequate pension. Why is always the powerless mother who have to suffer, never Cocks, he tried to have the son aborted, told Sir Derek he didn’t care of his son died when he was on a life-support machine Because the mother saved his sons life from his determination to abort him he attacked her viciously. David Cocks QC never allowed his son to meet his grandmother. In fact she rang the boy out and said that he should have been aborted and what had he done, his father not to want him. She also said they were very cross with Sir Derek Spencer QC forgiving evidence for the child and not supporting David Cocks his determination to distance himself from his son. She supported her son in excluding her grandson and was cross with her husband for sticking up for his grandson. She stated she would use every opportunity to support her son’s exclusion of his son and that her step grandchildren meant as much to her as her own grandchildren. She stated that though Patricia his first wife’s “was a lovely girl” she would support any attempt by her son and his new wife, to use tactics to exclude his son from “contaminating” the purity of her family line and the family line of her step children. She would never allow him to see her or to see her husband she would never leave 01p to him in her will and suggested that she would label as “scurrilous” any attempt by Sir Derek Spencer or her own husband, to see David Cocks son as a real human being. she agreed with eugenics in as far as if a child was inconvenient that charge should be excluded totally from asking for any affection will support from the father, who politically and socially and familial must always come first it has her own son he was very important man. David Cocks father was very upset about this and said that though he loved his grandson he was too frightened of his wife and his sundry action to do more than the occasional phone call to inquire about the boy’s welfare. The grandfather gave evidence at the affiliation court that the young orphan mother loved his son and had never been as was obvious to everyone who had met the two together(for they have both stayed with him together)that she was other than completely devoted to his son David Cocks QC. When he gave his evidence David Cocks QC nearly dragged him out of the witness box.
When Sir Derek Spencer Solicitor General told David Cocks Q C his son as a baby was struggling on a life support machine with every breath agony he said “I couldnt care less if he dies I will never see him he is nothing to me”

ReplyDeleteAmazing Derek Spencer an excellent father a good man and a hero how brave to face the hatred of David Cocks Q C and David Cocks Mother who tried to exclude that excellent child that david Cocks set his heart against while himself being as spoilt as it is possibleto be by his own mother
ReplyDeleteCruelty thy names is David Cocks Q C
ReplyDeleteI saw this
"During her pregnancy he tried to make Felicity, who has never married and is 14 years his junior, have an abortion.
Says a former Bar colleague of Cocks, who last year earned around £800,000: "He began his affair with Felicity when she was very young and impressionable and he was then married to his first wife.
He later divorced her and married his wife's great friend, Sarah. However, he is semi-retired now, so theoretically he has plenty of time for filial visits. "
And this
"David Cocks Q C and His Forgotten Son : David Cocks' impenetrable and cruel heart of a father to his youngest child "
I saw this
ReplyDelete"David Cocks Q C the measure of a man is how he treats his son. The duty of a father is to lovingly bring his son to manhood with honour not cruelty. David Cocks said to Sir Derek Spencer when the child was on a life support machine as a baby "I couldn't care less if he dies he is nothing to me I will never see him and no one can make me. The High Court called him and "uncaring father "and "a hard and determined man"
David Cocks Q C Abandons His Baby at Birth Without Love Without Pity
David Cocks Q C Human Rights Barrister Red Lion Court Told Sir Derek Spencer Q C "I couldn't care less if he dies "when his baby son was on a life support machine, he refuses to see him and seems to love shunning criticising and encouraging others to shun and sneer even calling his mother his young pupil who he demanded have an abortion "Old Fish Face "to Peter Carter Q C who she had done the favour of recommending for a pupillage and was a UCL fellow student.
Further goes his cruel disparagement
David Cocks Q C tried to abort his son and refuses to see him despite his promise to the court
he's to busy adoring and adorning himself
as he says
"I'm so busy I'm so fine
I so like hunting I so like wine
I like to lay a bet or two
I am so splendid and so grand
I'm best to take the firmest stand
To love my step kids one and two
But my own child "OH no not you
You can not come into my home
I prefer you perish on your own
I'm much too posh and much to nice
So just skid addle that's my advice
Let me not see you shinning glory
It might effect my lies and story
For I told all I've been so nice
And my paternity just has no vice
My mother said I am the best
So fine and noble and the rest
But how can I believe that tale
And cloud the issue with a veil
When you stand there before me now
Looking so great and well just how
Your noble mother proved me wrong
And raised you with a powerful song
And despite my cunning was so strong
To let you live to let you thrive
And overall let you survive
For I do truly know at heart
That she was right right from the start,
And had the courage to out due
When I the father was but a shrew
And thinking only of myself
While she was left upon the shelf
Alone to struggle with your birth
While I just sneered at her with mirth.
She saw what was so truly right
And put up quite a splendid fight
And now I'm here with what I muster
Feeling a bit like General Custard
I'm grand I'm fine but I can see
That as a parent she dazzles me
What a silly twit I've been
Being so nasty being so mean
Pretending all I do is right
And leaving morality out of sight
So if one day I really see
Just what I have done to thee
My noble son my noble boy
I wont use Dante Hell or ploy
To degregate you any more
For immorality is such a bore
And one day if there is a God
Ill have to face great justice rod"
Things worked out well for the father able to leave both the mothers of his children and run off with his best friends wife
well met by moonlight oh Horatio
I saw this
ReplyDelete"David Cocks Q C's Smear Campaign Against The Mother of his Child Since he made his pupil pregnant when he was in a position of trust excluding and rejecting his child since birth
David Cocks Q C Human Rights Barrister Red Lion Court Told Sir Derek Spencer Q C "I couldn't care less if he dies "when his baby son was on a life support machine, he refuses to see him and seems to love shunning criticising and encouraging others to shun and sneer even calling his mother his young pupil who he demanded have an abortion "Old Fish Face "to Peter Carter Q C who she had done the favour of recommending for a pupillage and was a UCL fellow student.
"I'm so busy I'm so fine
I so like hunting I so like wine
I like to lay a bet or two
Ensuring that I get what's due
Ensuring none can outsmart me
I simply laugh and shout with glee
While causing grief to those I spurn
A son a child ..will they not learn
All I love is me me me
I drink of wine a cup of tea
A pillowmate for my great bed
While saying to Derek get my son out of my head
Id rather think of me instead
So if he's on a life machine
I could not really give a bean
IM the finest thing you ever seen
My morals are so clean clean clean
And hence you see my fine smoke screen
I am so splendid and so grand
I'm best to take the firmest stand
To love my step kids one and two
But my own child "OH no not you
You can not come into my home
I prefer you perish on your own
I'm much too posh and much to nice
So just skid addle that's my advice
Let me not see you shinning glory
It might effect my lies and story
For I told all I've been so nice
And my paternity just has no vice
My mother said I am the best
So fine and noble and the rest
But how can I believe that tale
And cloud the issue with a veil
When you stand there before me now
Looking so great and well just how
Your noble mother proved me wrong
And raised you with a powerful song
And despite my cunning was so strong
To let you live to let you thrive
And overall let you survive
For I do truly know at heart
That she was right right from the start,
And had the courage to out due
When I the father was but a shrew
And thinking only of myself
While she was left upon the shelf
Alone to struggle with your birth
While I just sneered at her with mirth.
She saw what was so truly right
And put up quite a splendid fight
And now I'm here with what I muster
Feeling a bit like General Custard
I'm grand I'm fine but I can see
That as a parent she dazzles me
What a silly twit I've been
Being so nasty being so mean
Pretending all I do is right
And leaving morality out of sight
So if one day I really see
Just what I have done to thee
My noble son my noble boy
I wont use Dante Hell or ploy
To denigrate you any more
For immorality is such a bore
And one day if there is a God
Ill have to face great justice rod"
David Cocks Q C Human Rights Lawyer Humanity To Own Son David Cocks Q C failed Father Refused to Help Him when Sir Derek Spencer told his baby was suffering agony with every breath on a life support machine He Excluded his son from his house hearth and home since birth in the cruellest manner simply on his desire not to be blamed If parenting sees us at our most loving, civilised and altruistic, then to fail at it is to have slipped off the bottom of the rung of the species